Writing is a time consuming and, at times, a tedious
process. I often get asked how my next project is coming and my general
response is “Slow.” I might never finish this Gettysburg project but then, that
is OK. Over the past weeks, I have digressed into wargaming. I have taken time
to go shooting with my 50 cal. Hawken percussion rifle and I have been
conducting tours. The entire time have been thinking. Yesterday, June 5, I had
the privilege of touring Antietam with a very well read and thoughtful couple from
Baltimore, Maryland while taking two of our future guides training tour. What a
tremendous learning experience!
That tour, in conjunction with adaptations to the
Herbst Woods scenario I have published on this blog, produced this entry. At my
age, I have to write down my fleeting thoughts because they are “fleeting,”
very fleeting, kind of like mental purging. It started when my colleague and I
were playing the Herbst Woods game. Several things occurred to us as he
discussed the mechanics of the game.
1. It
was fast! Constantly changing from turn to turn.
2. The
rugged terrain mucked up everything.
3. The
smoke and woods obscured the troops’ vision and made target identification
4. The
Confederates exposed their intention to charge by delivering the “Rebel yell.”
5. The
Confederate artillery fired blindly into the chaos with occasional “drop
6. Neither
side had any idea what was occurring on their flanks.
The more we discussed it, the more we thought about
how confusing it would be if we could expand the game into several consecutive
games played on separate tables, each representing the flanks and/or the front,
and rear of the fields as the action shifted from one part of the field to the
other. Each table would be a battle within a battle and have its own separate
sets of players.
After he left, I proceeded to set up three tables
using Heroscape to create the action along McPherson’s ridge south of the
Chambersburg Pike. I used construction insulation panels to create the hills
then built the Heroscape terrain on top of them. The results of which you see
Herbst Woods, 26th North Carolina v. Iron Brigade |
South of Herbst Woods, Right of Pettigrew's Brigade |
North of Herbst Woods, Brockenbrough's Brigade
So how does all of this relate to battlefield
interpretation and writing my new book on Gettysburg? Everything! Absolutely
1. Battlefields
are not flat. Ridges, gullies, swales, woodlots, orchards, unharvested crops
break up the line of sight.
2. Streams,
hills, marshes, rock outcroppings, buildings and fences impede, stall, or
slowdown the lines of advance.
3. Poor
visibility due to excessive haze, caused by high humidity, smoke, cloud cover,
fog make it difficult to see who is where.
4. The
nature of combat itself and the soldier’s tendency to develop tunnel vision
often makes it impossible to see what is occurring on the flanks, sometime
within a matter of feet.
5. All
of those factors can lead to combat situations where it becomes up close and
way too personal. That is what happened at Antietam and at Herbst Woods. The
following references refer to Antietam but that are applicable to any Civil War
Some historians have estimated that the average Civil
War small arms fire occurred at about 200 yards. That was not the case at
Antietam. Ground fog, the Miller Cornfield, the fields of high mow grass and
the rolling terrain, coupled with the high humidity kept the smoke low to the
ground during the morning fight created a situation where the opposing forces literally
opened fire upon each other at ranges varying from 30 yards to literally 10
feet. There being hardly any breeze on that part of the field that morning, the
smoke did not dissipate. (The same thing happened to the 2nd
Wisconsin as it ascended the eastern side of McPherson’s Ridge near Herbst
Woods, The Tennesseans lay along the ledge to the west in a tall wheat field.
They could only see the Federal flag above the fence on the crest to their
front and caught the Wisconsiners in a volley which took out about 30% of their
At the Cornfield, when the 2nd and 6th
Wisconsin regiments knocked the fence down on the top of the hill on the southern
face of the field and started to fire prone, they fired blindly through the mow
grass along their front at ground level. They could not see any of the action
going on around them because of the ground cover, the abrupt drop of the ridge on
their immediate left and the ground fog obscuring their vision to the left
front (southeast).
Consequently, several actions occurred independently
and simultaneously in their immediate vicinity. Officers could not see their
flanks, they could only control; what occurred within their very limited line
of sight. Strategy had very little to do with how the battle played out once
the two sides made contact.
Miniature wargaming in 54mm an regimental level can
reflect that chaos. Picture a game with three separate playing field, each
being run independently of the other, yet part of the same battle. Confederate
commanders can order their men not to cheer while advancing but that can be
negated by a simple die roll. Using a d3 (3-sided die) or a renumbered d6 using
a permanent marker a player in smoke can roll it to determine how many spaces a
regiment can see, which limits the ability to respond to an assault.
Prone regiments can fire blindly through tall grass
fields regardless of who is in front with a reduced effectiveness of fire while
gaining some protection from incoming fire. Troops may also fire from one table
to the next. All the while they may be getting hit by both hostile and “friendly”
artillery fire.
The left of the 19th Indiana fires into the left flank of the 11th North Carolina |
Battlefield interpretation, miniature wargaming, and wring
about an action are all interrelated. Wargaming on a small unit tactical level
puts the gamer on the field. Walking the field helps the gamer understand the
importance of line of sight and command control. Walking the field and gaming
help the historians visualize what occurred on the field and helps with
describing as clearly as possible the event as it actually occurred. What
strikes our visitors the most about Antietam is how the ground changes so quickly
and therefore affects their understanding of the battle. Every time I go out on
the field, I learn something new and though provoking.
Thank you again for your time and patience. As always,
I appreciate any and all constructive observations and comments.
In response to Stew, this is the proposed game chart. Player A is the one who wins the initiative.
The turn involves action and reaction. |